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Monday, April 1, 2013

Knitting with Ajeng : Fisherman's Rib scarf Pattern

Fisherman's Rib aka Brioche.
This is the most favorite knitting pattern, both for beginner knitter and to people who like to have a knitting scarf, fast!!

This technique will give you ribbing illusion, but not make your knitting looks shrinking.

example of 14 cast on - scarf

Get the pattern here: [Poyeng Fisherman's Rib EN.pdf] and let's knit this addictive yet relaxing scarf with me :D

scarf above use 28 cast on

* * *
And if you interested to know more about this kind of pattern, while ago i accidentally find this book, which is talking all about brioche. And it is a very thick book!! - I just amaze how just writing one particular thing can result this thick book! It can give you pictures how detail the content-. It's also provide some lovely knitting pattern too. :)

by Nancy Marchant
paperback 256 pages - North Lights Book

* feel free to comment, you may download and knit this pattern, but please read the intellectual property at this blog. thank you :)

Happy Knitting!!


  1. Thank you very much for this pattern - it is just what I needed for some chunky yarn I have!

  2. This is such a great resource that you are providing and you give it away for free. I love seeing blog that understand the value of providing a quality resource for free. Dinghy Yacht



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